The Historic Route
The historic route is one of the greatest treasures of Ethiopia .nowhere else in the world can you see riches of man’s past such as those in the northern part of Ethiopia. A history that stretched back to the time of prehistoric man; the 5th century B.C pagan temple of Yeha, more than 3000 years old history of Axum, the 12th century rock hewn churches of Lalibela; the medieval castles of Gonder and the famous Blue Nile fall with the 13th century walled painting monastery of Lake Tana at Bahirdar, riches that cover the history of Ethiopia. From the 1st early beginnings to the modern day, riches that are set among some of the most stunning scenery in Ethiopia and where our people work today, just as their ancestors have done for generations.
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“As scholars says “Lalibela represents the supreme wonder and mystery of Ethiopia civilization, Gonder it’s pride, Bahirdar is natural bounty and Harar its exotic mosaic culture and Axum stands as the fountainhead of all this where civilization born and fertile”.